Finally a blog!!
Welcome....I have decided to start a blog of our family and to keep a diary of our life together.
A little about how our family started. Bill and I meet in 2002 but never started dating until May 2004. We found out we were pregnant in Feb. 2005 and due with our first son Peyton on Oct. 30 2005. So lets just say we needed to get married, so I became Mrs. Bergman on Sept. 28, 2005. Then when Peyton was only 9 months old I was pregnant again with our second boy Conner who was born on June 11, 2007.
My husband is currently serving in Iraq and has been since Jan. 3rd 2008 and due home in July 2008. I am sooooo ready for daddy to come home. This has been a long road for me carying for the two boys without a daddy.